Landscape designed as a workplace
As part of the renovation project to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Citizen Watch Headquarters in Tokyo, we created a 4,500 square meter green zone connected to the existing garden in front of the cafeteria building. The green area was created in accordance with the Factory Location Law and the concept of “working outdoor,” and provides a variety of places for people working at the factory. It is possible to work on laptops under a rich shade of greenery, hold meetings, or have a break with a cup of coffee at a counter table. The deciduous broad-leaved forest is mainly made up of species from the thickets of the Musashino plateau.
While providing pleasing scenery for the adjacent living environment, the forest is also a home for insects and birds. We hope that it will become a place for events such as catching insects and baked sweet potato events for employees and vitalize community interaction.
ワークプレイスとしてのランドスケープ シチズン東京事業所100周年を記念した改修工事事業の一環で、既存の食堂棟前の庭と連坦する約4,500㎡の緑地帯を創出しました。工場立地法による緑地面積を確保することをきっかけに、「屋外でも働ける」という考えのもと、事業所で働く方々に合わせた多彩な居場所を提供します。豊かな緑陰の下でPC作業を行ったり、ミーティングを行ったり、スタンドテーブルでコーヒーを飲んでリフレッシュできます。武蔵野台地の雑木林の樹種を主に用いた落葉広葉樹林で、周囲の住環境に対して良好な景観を形成しながら、樹林の中は虫や鳥の住処にもなっています。虫取りや焼き芋大会など、社員や地域交流のイベントの場になることを願っています。