PLAY OFFICE ! Under the “PLAY OFFICE!” slogan, three companies from different fields (playground equipment, furniture, and space design) gathered to develop playground equipment for office spaces that will make not only children but also adults smile. This playground equipment can have multiple people riding on the spinning wings, either facing in or out, and its unique movements help to expand their creativity and productivity and foster communication. It helps create an office atmosphere where people can play and relax their minds and bodies. Allez! means “Go for it!” in French.
『PLAY OFFICE !』を合言葉に、遊具・家具・空間、フィールドの異なる3社が集結しました。子どもだけでなく大人も笑顔にする遊具をオフィス空間に展開します。くるくるまわる羽の上で、複数人が、うちに向いたり、そとに向いたり。3つの羽にヒトが乗ることで生まれるユニークな動きが、創造性・生産性を高め、コミュニケーションを育みます。カチカチになった頭と体をほぐす、遊べるオフィスを創造します。タイトルのAllez!! はフランス語で『がんばれ!行け!』の意味。